La frase schermistica
a cura di Giancarlo Toràn
Un pas en avant
Il y a quelques années, je parlais avec un maître "important": pardonnez-moi si je ne donne pas de...
One step ahead
A few years ago I spoke with an "important" teacher: forgive me if I do not name names, so as not...
How I teach fencing
It is not the first time that Lara Ortolani, pictured here in her warrior gear, has offered to...
Come insegno la scherma
Questo articolo, già pubblicato su Facebook a puntate nei mesi scorsi, è troppo lungo per un...
L’importance du Salut
J'écris, parfois, pour le pur plaisir de le faire, pour partager des idées ou des sensations. Les...
The importance of the Salute
Sometimes I write for the pure pleasure of doing it, to share ideas or sensations. The signs of...